Saturday, October 15, 2011

Saving Lives

You didn't go to high school but now you're in medical school? Wow. Your writing skills kinda don't sound, well... doctorial. Ohh... sorry you "got yourself into college." Oh wow. And I see you didn't take a loan or a handout. You - wow - you worked full time AND took full time classes. Damn that's kind of uh... did you sleep? Did you have a time-turner? (sorry that's a Harry Potter thing.) I see you graduated at the top of your class and soon you will be a doctor. What's your specialty? Human Anatomy 5? It's nice to hear that your family will have quality medical care even if Obamacare stands. It's also really cool that you're going to save lives. It must have been hard to get through all that medical school without taking one grant or loan. I mean, so many doctors graduate with so much debt.. that's just really, really rare. You go, girl! Ramen noodles for a month... damn! That's really salty. No... I'm sure no one wants to punish you personally... of course you are an individual. Sometimes writing in your journal can help with those feelings. I am too? Well maybe I should get out my journal and that will help me with fixing my life. Thank you so much for that advice.

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