A Note from the 1%

Dear People who are working 50-100 hours per week for hardly any money, no health insurance, inability to buy homes, and are not complaining about it:

We are the 1% of Americans who are benefiting from your labor and are so glad you love America so much and are so happy to hear that you are content.  It is your blood, sweat, & tears that allows us to enjoy millions of dollars and have whatever we want whenever we want it.  We'll never have to worry about having enough money to survive.  If we fall ill or have an accident or are the victim of a violent crime, we'll have enough money to survive whether we have health insurance or not.  Actually some of us own the pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies that deny you the health care you need when you get sick…. So, I guess we’d just be raiding our own pantries if anything happened.

Speaking of that, isn’t it so crazy that those liberal socialist bastards want EVERYBODY in America to have health care?  Stupid hippies.  You guys know that in this free society we’ve worked hard to make a profit from your diseases and SOMEONE’s got to pay for our wives’ botox.  If you ask us, there should be ABSOLUTELY NO communist or socialist organizations in this great, democratic, free economy.  That is what our founding fathers fought & died for.  If your house is on fire, there should be a structured pricing system for fire output.  Victim of a crime?  We offer moderate, deluxe, and premium resolution packages.

It's SO COOL that you are willing to pay the consequences when you break the law, but are ALSO willing to overlook our infractions - we really appreciate it.  Some of us had private-island vacations planned and jail time would have really thrown a monkey wrench into that.  Some of our daughters had $500K Sweet 16's planned and they would have been SOOOO pissed if those got cancelled... you know how teens get!  ;)  LOL.  After all it’s not our fault that Andre down in the Bronx decided he needed to roll some blunts with his homies on a Friday night, right?  And why were all those guns in the car?  I mean, I believe that EVERYONE IN AMERICA should have one, but it just seemed suspicious that Andre had one.  He deserves to go to jail.  He had every opportunity to join up and go to college after surviving Operation Iraqi Freedom just like you, right?

God those idiots sitting in the park in Manhattan are so annoying.  I mean, wasting the tax-payers money like that for no reason.  We wish they would be more like you and just GO BACK TO WORK and SHUT THE FUCK UP.   There are plenty of coupons in the Sunday paper – you can clip those and toss out the rest of the paper while you watch football on Sunday.  You really don’t need to buy that fancy organic food – it’s more affordable to buy the value meal at McDonalds… you’re fine.  IF YOU WORK HARD ENOUGH YOU CAN SCRAPE BUY.  You might not be able to go on vacation, but you’ll at least have a roof over your head.  Think about it.  At least you weren’t born in IRAQ or AFGHANISTAN, right?  Am I right?  Hahahah!! 

I mean seriously, you’re so right.  “SUCK IT UP!”  You just keep working and we’ll keep doing our thing.  OMG I totally didn’t notice the time… I’ve just GOT to get to my facial/massage or Sven will just KILL me (I’ve been late the past three weeks).  Gotta Fly…

Again just wanted to say thanks so much for supporting our side.  Really it means a ton.

Love ya babe.
The 1%