Saturday, October 15, 2011

Making Money to Bless the Lives of Others (without a Police State)

This Guy's Note Says This:

"I returned to college after failed ventures in 1990 at the age of 26. I worked full time, joined the Naval Reserves, and took out loans to pay for college. I earned my BA in 3 ½ years. I paid my loans off.
I worked for two years after college at a below poverty wage. I worked hard to grow in my expertise. I took a job making more than double my poverty wage. 4 years later I was upper middle class. I have helped make other people rich. I am grateful for the opportunity.
Since 2001 there has always been non-family members living with me in my home. I housed my own family plus a family of with 6 kids. I housed a drug addict. I currently house a single mother and her 2 year old daughter. None of them have ever paid rent. I have been blessed and I want to bless the lives of others without a police state.
I have never owned a new car; I have never lived in a new house; I have never owned a new piece of furniture. I donate monthly to programs for the poor. I pay lots of taxes. I have been married for 25 years. I have 7 kids, 2 are adopted. I am blessed beyond measure.
I am the 53%.
I intend to be the 20%. My dream would be to be so wealthy that they protest my house. Then I will know I made a difference in the lives of many. 
Make money. Use it to bless others. Asking the gov’t to do it for you is lazy hypocrisy."

Wow, man, YEAH! Sounds like you are taking all the right steps toward getting TOTALLY RICH REALLY SOON! Also that you would NEVER SUPPORT anything like a social service. Screw those bums looking for a handout.

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